No problem- they are all archived here!
Best Practices in Volunteer Management
October 6, 2015, Time: 12:00 Noon
Sport Organizations and club administrators are finding it increasingly challenging to recruit and retain the HQV – the highly qualified volunteer. This webinar will provide participants with the knowledge they need to recruit, retain, recognize and retire volunteers.
Hot Legal Topics
October 20, Time: 12:00 Noon
Join us for a discussion on hot legal topics including the new Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation, privacy legislation and how to manage complaints; all of which have an impact on sport organizations, big and small. Prior planning and preparation can help an organization manage these issues and therefore utilize their time towards improving sport rather than putting out fires. Participants will learn about the legal issues and strategies to be more effective and better equipped to manage these difficult issues.
Good Governance: What is it and How to do it
November 3, 2015, Time: 12:00 Noon
Join us for a discussion on governance topics in the not for profit world. This webinar will cover such areas as good governance practices, various models of Board structure, the role & responsibilities of Directors, policies and their purpose. In addition, an update Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act will be provided.
A Strategic Approach to Sponsorship
November 17, 2015, Time: 12:00 Noon
This webinar is designed especially for sport organizations that want to take a professional approach towards sponsorship revenue generation. It examines the latest trends and best practices in sponsorships and shows what you must do to effectively recruit and retain sponsors.