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Ottawa Sport Council Foundation Awards 2018 Recipients of 2018 True Sport Community Grant

The Ottawa Sport Council Foundation is thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2018 True Sport Community Grant- City of Ottawa Ringette Association and Christie Lake Kids. Both the City of Ottawa Ringette Association (CORA) and Christie Lake Kids  have been awarded $1500 by the True Sport Foundation to support development of their initiatives: CORA’s program, Ringette for All , will offer a weekly all-inclusive learn to  play ringette program for children 8-16 years of age; and Christie Lake Kids- The Strathcona Heights Multi-sport program, will purchase program materials for a no-cost sport program specifically designed for low-income girls focusing on physical, character and social skill sets.

The Ottawa Sport Council Foundation’s True Sport Community Grant was established in partnership with the Community Foundation of Ottawa and the True Sport Foundation. The Ottawa Sport Council is passionate about sport and this community grant aims to enhance sport excellence, guided by True Sport principles, in the City of Ottawa.

Marcia Morris, Executive Director of the Ottawa Sport Council, said, “Sport has the potential to enrich the lives of everyone, and we believe that no one should be excluded. The programs offered by CORA and Christie Lake Kids for youth who otherwise may be excluded from participation in sport are very inspiring and we are very excited to support them as our 2018 recipients.”

The True Sport Community Grant supports Ottawa community sporting organizations.  Grants are available on a yearly basis and adopt key focus areas each year. In 2018, the focus was to assist community sport organizations in establishing new programs for underserviced populations and to increase opportunities for participation in sport activities embracing True Sport principles (Go For It, Play Fair, Respect Others, Keep it Fun, Stay Healthy, Include Everyone, Give Back) in Ottawa.

“We are very pleased that through our partnership with the Ottawa Sport Council Foundation we are able to support the work of the City of Ottawa Ringette Association and Christie Lake Kids, and their commitment to the True Sport principles.” says Karri Dawson, Executive Director at the True Sport Foundation. “We all share an understanding of the value and power of community sport and together we look forward to providing a quality sport experience for local children.”

Both CORA and Christie Lake Kids are keen to commence their programs in January 2019.

“The City of Ottawa Ringette Association (CORA) is absolutely thrilled to be the recipient of this True Sport Community Grant. It is our honour and our privilege to be able to offer a ringette  program that is all about inclusion, respect and fun for these young athletes who otherwise would not have the opportunity to play this awesome game”, said Phyllis Bergmans, President,. City of Ottawa Ringette Association.

Jeff Burry, Executive Director of Christie Lake Kids said “Christie Lake Kids is excited to be a recipient of a True Sport Foundation Community Grant in 2018.  This grant will enable us to develop multi-sport programs for at-risk girls in the Strathcona Heights community.  This investment will mean that we can expand our programming and deliver activities for girls who are experiencing barriers stemming from living in poverty.”