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Ottawa Sport Council – 2018 in review

Every year, we like to take a moment and reflect on the impact that sport has had in our community. Working closely with our local sport organizations, we are able to see the direct benefit that children, teens and adults, in our own backyard, have from participating in sport on a community level. Whether they play, coach, or volunteer in some capacity, each individual is making a positive difference.

This year, we focused on our four pillars of excellence in order to assist in the delivery of sport to the community – Educate, Support, Advocate, and Connect. Some of the highlights include:

2018 True Sport Community Grant

We were thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2018 True Sport Community Grant- City of Ottawa Ringette Association and Christie Lake Kids. Both the City of Ottawa Ringette Association (CORA) and Christie Lake Kids  were awarded $1500 by the True Sport Foundation to support development of their initiatives: CORA’s program, Ringette for All , offers a weekly all-inclusive learn to  play ringette program for children 8-16 years of age; and Christie Lake Kids- The Strathcona Heights Multi-sport program, has purchased program materials for a no-cost sport program specifically designed for low-income girls focusing on physical, character and social skill sets. We can’t wait to see how these programs will make a difference in the city!

Rideau-Vanier multi-sport after school program

With the help of an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant, we were delighted to develop  a  multi-sport after school program in Rideau-Vanier to help to foster activity in the children in our own community.

In partnership with the Ottawa Carleton Ultimate Association (OCUA) and Ottawa Internationals Soccer Club (OISC), this program has enabled youth in grades 4-6, in the Rideau-Vanier Ward, to enjoy sports’ benefits in this underserved area.

Concussion Awareness Advocacy

With increased awareness surrounding the topic since the passing of Rowan’s Law and, with sport leaders and athletes speaking out about the dangers, signs and long-term effects – Canadians are just hitting the tip of the knowledge iceberg. The Ottawa Sport Council has hosted educational opportunities surrounding concussions and continues to team up with our partners to shine light on this important topic.

Spring Sport Summit – Inclusive Sport

The Ottawa Sport Council (OSC) was pleased to host its sixth Sport Summit on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at the Nepean Sailing Club. Hosted in partnership with Ausome Ottawa and the Abilities Centre Ottawa, this Summit focused on inclusion in sport for people with disabilities. The Summit was well-attended with excellent feedback and many organizations citing various takeaways to assist them going forward.

Two new educational videos

As an organization that provides leadership to the local sport community, the Ottawa Sport Council works to provide accessible, pertinent educational resources. At the beginning of 2018, we released a pair of videos that summarize insight from our 2017  Sport Summits – Let’s Talk about Concussions (June 2017) and Grants Demystified (November 2017). The videos capture the valuable information sessions, hosted by subject matter experts in Ottawa and provide a relevant online resource.

2018 was a wonderful year, just the tip of the iceberg for what we hope to accomplish in the years to come. We want to thank all of our advocates and supporters and look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure there are only positive experiences in sport.