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2019 Ottawa Spring Sport Summit

Join us at our seventh Ottawa Sport Summit on April 13 2019.

This year the focus will be on strategic planning and “future proofing” your organization.

According to a well-known book called “E-myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber, only 4 per cent of the one million new businesses started every year in the U.S. will make it past year ten. According to Gerber’s research successful companies and businesses that make it past that milestone have something in common – they dedicate the appropriate amount of time to working ON their businesses versus IN their business.

When you are working ON your businesses you are strategically planning for the future and when you are working IN your business you are tactically responding to daily issues.

Developing a Strategic Plan is key to the success of your organization. Often times, participating in a strategic planning retreat can be a great way to get started and engage staff and board members in the strategic planning process. There are three key phases to developing a Strategic Plan that will engage and inspire your team while yielding results:

Prep-up – Preparation before the retreat

Leading up to the retreat get in touch with your internal and external stakeholders. Give them the opportunity to think about the future and communicate their ideas via interviews, round tables, surveys, and/or other tools. This can include identifying key trends, factors affecting the organization and/or clarifying the organization’s purpose, mission and core values.

Step-up – The work that happens at the retreat

The goal of the retreat is to leave with a clear and complete strategic plan for your organization. The plan should include the organization’s vision, key strategies required to achieve it and the tactical plan that identifies the required actions, ownership and timelines. Identifying how you will measure and monitor your progress is also an important part of the Strategic Plan.

Follow-up – The work after the retreat

Find an appropriate mechanism to hold your team accountable for the agreed upon actions outlined in the strategic plan. The green, yellow and red reporting tool outlined in this video (starting at 26:15) talks about the value of this system for keeping a team on track.

Community sport organizations are invited to this year’s Sport Summit – Strategic Planning and Future Proofing your Organization on Saturday April 13 at the Nepean Sailing Club where experts will help guide them through the development of a Strategic Plan. The Summit will be facilitated by local business leader Julien Leblanc and sports broadcaster and communications expert Ian Mendes.

The Sport Summit is a free event. However, participants are encouraged to make a minimum $30 donation to the Ottawa Sport Council Foundation. Donations will help the Foundation continue to provide sporting organizations with grants to improve inclusion in sport. Tax receipts will be available.

Reserve your spot now by visiting the Ottawa Sport Council.