Author Archives: admin
New Concussion Requirements for Community Sport Organizations
A new aspect of Rowan’s Law has increased the requirements for community sport organizations regarding concussions effective July 1, 2019.
Rideau-Vanier Multi-Sport Program Concludes
The Ottawa Sport Council (OSC) has successfully completed the pilot year of the Rideau-Vanier Multi-Sport After School Program!
Volunteering in Sport
People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s to gain valuable work experience while other times it’s to help further a cause they are passionate about.
Benefits of Sport Events
There is no doubt that sports — when played or watched — provide an entertaining distraction to the everyday stresses of life, and sporting events can rally fans from all walks of life to share their passion for their favourite team or athlete. But did you know that sports can positively impact their communities in ways that go far beyond wins and losses?
2019 Ottawa Spring Sport Summit
Join us at our seventh Ottawa Sport Summit on April 13 2019. This year the focus will be on strategic planning and “future proofing” your organization. Developing a Strategic Plan is key to the success of your organization. Often times, participating in a strategic planning retreat can be a great way to get started and engage staff and board members in the strategic planning process.
Ottawa athletes shine at the 2019 Canada Winter Games!
The 2019 Canada Winter Games, held in Red Deer from February 15 to March 3, has just wrapped up and huge kudos goes out to all the athletes who participated and gave it their all. With 19 sports and over 150 events, Red Deer welcomed up to 3600 athletes, managers and coaches and over 20,000 visitors, making it the largest event ever hosted in the city.
The Wonders of Winterlude
February is a difficult month to stay active and on track. It’s cold, usually dark with overcast, grey skies and generally tough for people to stay motivated. One thing we look forward to in Ottawa every year is Winterlude! The festival is a great way to get outdoors and moving, even if you’re currently in a slump! This year marks the 41st anniversary of Winterlude, Ottawa’s iconic winter festival. From February 1 to 18, 2019, Winterlude celebrates Canada’s Capital Region’s cultural, artistic and culinary diversity.
A Resolution Worth Keeping
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, people usually fall into one of two camps. You either love them and make a resolution every year, or you think it’s a waste of time and don’t bother. The people who do make goals for the New Year usually create a plan to achieve them. One of the most popular resolutions or goals that is often set is about health. The new year brings in a certain freshness that encourages people to hit the reset button and try to obtain a better overall lifestyle, by eating better, being more mindful, and becoming more active.
Ottawa Sport Council – 2018 in review
Every year, we like to take a moment and reflect on the impact that sport has had in our community. Working closely with our local sport organizations, we are able to see the direct benefit that children, teens and adults, in our own backyard, have from participating in sport on a community level. Whether they play, coach, or volunteer in some capacity, each individual is making a positive difference.
Ottawa Sport Council Foundation Awards 2018 Recipients of 2018 True Sport Community Grant
The Ottawa Sport Council Foundation is thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2018 True Sport Community Grant- City of Ottawa Ringette Association and Christie Lake Kids. Both the City of Ottawa Ringette Association (CORA) and Christie Lake Kids have been awarded $1500 by the True Sport Foundation to support development of their initiatives: CORA’s program, Ringette for All , will offer a weekly all-inclusive learn to play ringette program for children 8-16 years of age; and Christie Lake Kids- The Strathcona Heights Multi-sport program, will purchase program materials for a no-cost sport program specifically designed for low-income girls focusing on physical, character and social skill sets.