Author Archives: admin

Effective Governance for Community Sport
Sport communities across Canada have access to world-renowned coaching and athlete development programs. However, very few programs exist which support the effective management and operation of a community sport organization. The benefit of this type of programs for a sport organization is that it will help to ensure effective governance in their respective organization – but what exactly is governance?

What is Physical Literacy?
We have all heard of physical education, P.E., or gym class before; but have you heard of physical literacy? According to ParticipACTION, one of Canada’s biggest physical activity advocates, physical literacy can be defined as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life”. Being physically literate makes it easier for individuals to translate different skill sets within new sports and activities. While this is a vital skill for athletes, it is also important for anyone that wants to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Cumberland Panthers Girls Tackle Football Program
“Our goal as a program is to identify and remove as many of these barriers as possible to open up this new sector and create much needed gender equality” - Mark Ouellet, Program Director

The Ontario Summer Indigenous Games and Summer Sports in Ottawa
School’s out, the days are longer, the sun is shining – how can you not be excited that summer is here? If you are not already ecstatic about summer, we at the Ottawa Sport Council would like to tell you about the various events happening in the Ottawa area that will keep you happy and healthy all summer long!

Making community sport more diverse, equitable, and inclusive
We know that overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened inequities among traditionally underrepresented groups, and that includes inequities in community sport. Social and economic divisions in society have widened due to the circumstances of the last two years. As we begin to return to normal, community sport organizations are requesting support to make their organizations more welcoming and inclusive to all members.

Complete our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey and let us know how to best support the Ottawa community sport sector
The Ottawa Sport Council (OSC) is pleased to launch its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Survey. This survey seeks to learn how the OSC can support community sport organizations with tools and training to create inclusive and accessible sport environments.

Boxing Without Barriers – Creating supportive environments for boxers of all abilities
“Including everyone is a fundamental tenet of Boxing Without Barriers. All programming is designed for athletes, not around them. This means that no one is overlooked, and everyone is empowered to meet their short- and long-term goals.” Chantal Deketele, Head Coach

Job Posting – Communications Specialist
The Ottawa Sport Council (OSC) is seeking a highly organized, part-time, term Communications Specialist to assist with the delivery of the OSC communications strategy.

Communications 101 in Community Sport
Our world has become reliant on digital communications, and community sport organizations are not immune to the complexities involved in managing digital communication platforms. For community sport organizations, strong communication practices can help to engage current members further and recruit new members. These communication practices can include emails, social media, your website, and more.

Safe Sport Implementation
Earlier this month, we launched the Ottawa Safe Sport Toolkit. The Ottawa Safe Sport Toolkit is a free online toolkit developed to foster safe, welcoming, and inclusive sport environments for participants of all ages and abilities. Based on industry best practices, the Ottawa Safe Sport Toolkit (OSST) was developed collaboratively with 12 Ottawa based member sport organizations through a pilot program.