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Date and time


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


The Ottawa Sport Council is pleased to announce the Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Huddlesan opportunity for Ottawa community sport organizations to learn and discuss how to create inclusive and accessible sport environments. These free workshops will be offered on 3 dates, each with a unique theme:

  • Why does EDI matter in community sport? – Wednesday, October 27 from 18:30 to 20:00
  • Casting a wider net Tuesday, November 9 from 18:30 to 20:00
  • What’s the first step? – Thursday, November 25th from 18:30 to 20:00

The EDI Huddles continue the conversation launched during the EDI Panel Discussion Video which was released earlier this month (watch the video here). The Huddles offer a chance for Ottawa community sport organizations to gather around the virtual table to learn from subject matter experts and each other. Huddles will be facilitated by Derek Johnston.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Huddle

The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected the sporting experiences and opportunities for marginalized communities. During the EDI Huddles we will look at how to address these pandemic realities and discuss both the areas of opportunity and challenges in creating an inclusive and accessible community sport environment.  The EDI Huddles complement the EDI Panel Discussion Video.  The three conversations will have unique themes, and subject matter experts, to guide the discussion:

  • Why does EDI matter in community sport? Why community sport organizations need to become more inclusive and welcoming(October 27). Panelist Justin Bobb, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Partnership will be joining this Huddle as our subject matter expert.
  • Casting a wider net: How to find and welcome new participants, coaches, administrators, and Board Members to your community sport organization (November 9). Panelist David Muddiman, Gay Ottawa Volleyball will be joining this Huddle as our subject matter expert.
  • What’s the first step? How to get started in creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive community sport organization (November 25). Panelist Shauna Bookal, Field Hockey Ontario will be joining this Huddle as our subject matter expert.


The EDI Huddles provide an opportunity for conversation among participants. To maximize the experience, registration will be limited to 20 participants. The Huddle will be conducted virtually via Zoom with the use of breakout rooms, open discussion, and other virtual meeting tools.

  • Who can attend? Community sport organizations in Ottawa
  • What can you expect during the Huddle? An inviting conversation among peers about equity, diversity, and inclusion practices relevant to community sport organizations
  • How do I prepare for the EDI Huddles? Watch the EDI Panel Discussion Video it is an engaging conversation between Justin, David, and Shauna,  three dynamic community leaders with diverse backgrounds  

 This is a free virtual event. The two-hour workshop will be offered in English only.

 Register Now

We hope you will join the conversation and take this valuable opportunity to learn how to create a more equitable, diverse and inclusive organization.

Thanks to the  Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund for their continued support of the Rebound program. The program complements and enhances the resources found in the Ottawa Return to Play Roadmap.