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Introducing The Volunteer Toolbox

The Ottawa Sport Council is pleased to announce the launch of The Volunteer Toolbox, a collection of
resources designed to support community sport organizations in their ongoing work with volunteers –
the lifeblood of many organizations in this sector.

Over 73 percent of community sport organizations across Canada are completely volunteer driven. In
consultation with leaders of these organizations, several challenges regarding engagement and
management of volunteers were identified. Some of these challenges include a shrinking volunteer
base, high turnover, and difficulties with recruitment, onboarding, training, managing, and recognition
of volunteers.

Thanks to funding from the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund, the Ottawa
Sport Council has developed this toolbox to address these challenges.
The first tool in the toolbox supports recruitment of new volunteers. The Ottawa Sport Council has
partnered with Volunteer Ottawa to develop a Sport Volunteer Recruitment Portal. Members of the
Ottawa Sport Council can now post their volunteer opportunities on the Ottawa Sport Council Volunteer
Portal. Learn more and post your opportunities!

The toolbox also contains video and pictorial resources for all community sport organizations to support
best practices in working with volunteers. These resources have been designed to provide guidance in
the following areas:

  •  Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Management
  • Appreciation
  • Retirement

Visit the Ottawa Sport Council Volunteer Toolbox
Learn more about the Ottawa Sport Council Volunteer Portal and post your opportunities!