“Ottawa Pride Hockey is led by gender-diverse people and promotes a safer space for everyone. I have been out to play with them several times and have always felt welcome and part of the team. The community needs Ottawa Pride Hockey. And more of it.” – Dawn Kelly, Local Hockey Player
Ottawa Pride Hockey (OPH) is a 2SLGBTQ+ inclusive group that offers pick-up hockey scrimmages and league-play hockey teams. Currently in their second season, OPH has grown exponentially in a short period of time. Ottawa Pride Hockey demonstrates the need for community sport to offer safe spaces for equity-deserving groups.
To grow the game among gender diverse participants, Ottawa Pride Hockey has also taken the lead on offering some beginner lessons to provide a safe space to try out the sport. They have also partnered with other community organizations to provide opportunities to try out sledge hockey.
As stated in the 2022 True Sport Report, it is important that there are opportunities for gender diverse participation at all levels as sport can reinforce misinformed gender norms and stereotypes (see more). Positive sport experiences have been shown to subvert negative gender stereotyping, especially among children and youth (see more).
The Canadian sport sector must be committed to improving policies and practices for gender inclusion in sport, such that participants feel safe and welcome in all environments. The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport offers several resources that support gender inclusion in sport here. The resources include a policy template, webinars, and reports demonstrating the need for gender inclusion in sport. These resources are designed to help sport organizations at all levels offer sport participation opportunities that are safe and welcoming, regardless of the gender of participants.
Ottawa Pride Hockey is an example of how to offer sport participation opportunities in a safe and welcoming space without gender-related concerns. Ottawa Pride Hockey was born out of the experience of Kat Ferguson, who played for Team Trans in Boston in the Friendship Series in 2019. Kat felt especially welcome and safe in this environment and wanted to replicate that in Ottawa.
Ottawa Pride Hockey began as a monthly pick-up scrimmage opportunity and has grown significantly since its inception. Now OPH has alternating pick-up scrimmages that vary based on skill level, as well as two league-play teams. In October, the Ottawa Pride Team competed in the 2022 Canada Cup in Toronto, hosted by the Toronto Gay Hockey Association. The team came home with a divisional gold medal and deep sense of community felt among all participants.
At the end of January, Ottawa Pride Hockey will host its first annual Winter Classic game at the Icelynd Winter Trails. The afternoon is also an opportunity for the community to connect and will feature use of the onsite skating trails, fire pits, and canteen.
Ottawa Pride Hockey also understand the value of partnerships in community sport- these partnerships can amplify the reach and impact of community sport organizations and create more positive sport experiences (read more). In 2022, OPH partnered with the Ottawa Senators to participate in the Capital Pride Festival which included walking in the parade with the Sens. OPH also worked with the Ten Oaks Project at the Capital Pride Family Picnic to offer games and prizes.
The Ottawa Sport Council connected with members of Ottawa Pride Hockey ahead of the 2022 Ottawa Sport Summit. During the Sport Summit, we were fortunate enough to hear from storyteller Kat Ferguson, who shared their own experiences in hockey as well as the story of Ottawa Pride Hockey. To see highlights from the 2022 Ottawa Sport Summit, watch our video here.
To learn more about Ottawa Pride Hockey, visit their website or check them out on social media.