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Registration is Open!  2024 Ottawa Sport Summit

Registration is now open for the Ottawa Sport Council’s tenth annual Ottawa Sport Summit-  Analytics in Community Sport: What Is It? Why Is It Important? How Can Data Enhance Your Operations and Elevate Participants’ Experiences on Saturday, November 30, 2023, at the RA Centre (Clark Hall).

Data analytics is transforming community sport organizations in Canada by enhancing operational efficiency and providing insights that can significantly improve participant experiences. Examples include:

  1. Program Evaluation and Improvement: By collecting data on participant feedback, attendance rates, and performance outcomes, organizations can evaluate the effectiveness of their programs. For instance, if a program consistently has low attendance, analyzing survey responses may reveal scheduling conflicts or a lack of interest in the curriculum. This insight allows the organization to make informed adjustments, such as changing practice times or updating the program content to better meet the interests of the participants.
  2. Resource Allocation and Scheduling Optimization: Data analytics can help organizations optimize the use of facilities and resources. By analyzing participation trends over time, organizations can identify peak usage periods and underutilized times. For example, if data shows that certain fields are consistently overcrowded while others remain empty, the organization can adjust scheduling to balance usage. This not only maximizes facility efficiency but also enhances the participant experience by reducing wait times and congestion.

We look forward to having you join us on Saturday, November 30, 2024 where we will discuss how data utilization can strengthen your organization.

Event Details

This is a free event. We do ask participants to consider making a minimum $35 donation to the Ottawa Sport Council Foundation. The Ottawa Sport Council Foundation has been created to provide sporting organizations with grants to improve inclusion in sport. Tax receipts will be provided.

Click here to register.