Sport Policy and Research

Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC)
Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) is a not-for-profit amateur sport organization with the mandate to provide information and serve the educational needs of organizations and individuals involved in, or responsible for the development of, sport and fitness in Canada and around the world. With over 6.5 million pages of sport related research dating as far […]
Posted on June 16, 2015 by admin

Sport for Life
Sport for Life educates and informs sector leaders to enable them to better understand and deliver LTAD, quality sport and physical literacy programming.
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Coaching Association of Canada
The Coaching Association of Canada is a not-for-profit amateur sport organization with the mandate to improve the effectiveness of coaching across all levels of the sport system and exists to enhance the experiences of all Canadian athletes through quality coaching.
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Sport Law
Sport Law is a consulting company offering legal services, planning and governance services, and strategic communications for Canadian sport organizations. Sport Law provides consulting services and educational programs related to organizational governance, values management, risk assessment, mediation and arbitration, policy development, business and employment issues and change management.
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Department of Canadian Heritage
Canada’s Department of Canadian Heritage publishes periodical research relating to current trends in sport participation. Originally published in 2005, the 2010 version provides vital information on the magnitude of, and changes in, sport participation in Canada.
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The Canadian Sport Policy 2012
The Canadian Sport Policy 2012 sets a direction for the period 2012-2022 for all governments, institutions and organizations committed to realizing the positive impacts of sport on individuals, communities and society.
Posted on May 20, 2015 by admin