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A Resolution Worth Keeping

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, people usually fall into one of two camps. You either love them and make a resolution every year, or you think it’s a waste of time and don’t bother. The people who do make goals for the New Year usually create a plan to achieve them. One of the most popular resolutions or goals that is often set is about health. The new year brings in a certain freshness that encourages people to hit the reset button and try to obtain a better overall lifestyle, by eating better, being more mindful, and becoming more active. Below are some tips to help you achieve this:

Set A Realistic Goal

There is nothing that you can’t attain, if you work hard enough – but nothing happens overnight. When setting your goal, it is important to be clear on the end result you want to achieve and the timeline available. If you’re looking to incorporate more activity into your life over the next year, but you also work 40 hour weeks, have two children in sports activities, and a partner that travels, it may be ambitious to sign up for three new sports. Maybe try one class or evening out a week and progress from there, if time allows. Baby steps are a great way to make progress and stay on track.

Create A Plan

You have decided WHAT you want to achieve, now how are you going to do it? Just like setting a realistic goal, you must have a plan that works and one that you will follow. If you have decided to eat healthier, will you create a weekly menu and shopping list, so you aren’t scrambling last minute to find dinner solutions through the busy week? This is a great way to ensure you don’t forget your goal and grab take-out because it’s more convenient. Think about your goal and the various ways you can incorporate it into your daily life. When in doubt, revisit your plan.

Enlist Help

Everything is more fun with a friend! Ask your support circles if anyone has similar goals and if they want to help you on your path to victory. You may be surprised and encouraged by other’s ideas and find success in pairs or a group.

Be Forgiving and Proud of Yourself

At the end of the day, failures are bound to happen. It’s how we learn and become more resilient. Be forgiving with yourself and understand that minor setbacks or missteps along the way are a way of life and don’t derail all the good work you’ve put into your goal. Take it one day at a time and keep pressing forward!

We love to hear what goals you set, the challenges along the way and your success stories! Make sure to check in with us on our social media channels and share your tips and ideas. Good Luck!