In your sport organization, the Board of Directors holds fiduciary responsibilities, ensures good governance, and guides the organization’s strategic direction. These volunteers maintain a critical role in the overall success of your organization.
There are many types of Boards of Directors. Two of the most commonly found in community sport are working boards and policy boards.
- Working boards are generally defined as those volunteer boards that are “hands-on” and directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization. This is common for organizations that do not employ staff members.
- Policy boards are generally defined as those volunteer boards that set policies and focus on organizational outcomes. Policy boards will often advise staff members on how work is done within the organization.
Given there are several types of Boards of Directors, it is best to find the one that supports your organization’s goals and capacity. You can learn more about the different types of boards here.
The type of board your organization chooses will influence your priorities when you are recruiting Board members. Not only will the type of board influence the desired skill sets for new board members, but it will also influence how you set expectations with potential new board members during the recruitment and selection process.
Writing and Posting a Job Description
When you begin the recruitment process, it is important to have a concise and realistic job description that articulates the roles and responsibilities of the board, the desired skill sets for new board members, and other expectations including the required monthly time commitment.
Once the job description is complete and your organization is ready to recruit candidates, it is important to share the post far and wide. Posting on your organization’s website is a good first step. From there, using communication channels like social media, email and the SIRC job board are some of the ways to spread the news that your organization is recruiting new board members. Tapping into the personal and professional networks of your organization’s existing board members can also be a powerful way to reach new audiences.
When seeking new board members, your organization should remember that technical sport expertise is not always required. Perhaps, in some cases, it may be better to select individuals with diverse sport backgrounds to bring new ideas and ways of working to the table.
Speaking with Board Candidates
Great news, you have found interested candidates for your Board of Directors! What do you do next? Exploring if a candidate is a good fit for your organization will often involve a series of conversations with existing board members and the Executive Director, where applicable. This stage of the recruitment process is about exchanging information to ensure both the organization and the potential board member can make an informed decision at the end of the recruitment process.
For the organization, you are trying to understand if the candidate has:
- Appropriate skills and knowledge to fill an identified gap on the Board of Directors.
- Values that are aligned with those of the organization.
- A passion for community sport and a desire to support the organization.
For the candidate, you are trying to understand if the organization:
- Offers a board structure that is aligned with the role you wish to play.
- Has a strategic plan and goals outlined for the Board term.
- Holds values and a vision that is aligned to your personal values and passions.
Organizations may also provide additional information like strategic plans, a public annual report, and a list of current Board Members and staff to supplement conversations.
Governing Good is a blog run by a retired university professor in Nova Scotia that provides several resources and guides for your Board of Directors related to your organization’s governance. Among those resources, is a guide for developing a strong recruitment package (here). If you are seeking additional resources for your Board of Directors and governance structures, this is a great start.
The Ottawa Sport Council is currently recruiting for our Board of Directors. We operate within a Competency Governance Model, meaning we are seeking specific professional skill sets to serve in an advisory capacity on the board. To learn more about becoming a member of the Ottawa Sport Council’s Board of Directors, click here by April 26, 2023.
For more information on recruiting for your Board of Directors, please contact us.