Request for Proposal – Technology Solution to increase participation of  equity deserving youth in Ottawa community sport

The Ottawa Sport Council is seeking consulting services to develop a technology solution (potential machine learning /artificial intelligence) to aid in increasing participation in community sport of equity deserving youth in Ottawa.

Who are we?  

Established in 2013, the Ottawa Sport Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping community-based sporting organizations. We are recognized as the leading voice for amateur  sport in Ottawa. The Ottawa sport community is large and diverse, representing over 750 community sport organizations and over 300,000 people. 

The Ottawa Sport Council believes that sport at all levels is an integral building block of healthy communities and provides an over overwhelmingly positive contribution to society. We believe  in the power of sport to motivate and empower youth and adults alike.  

We deliver high-impact resources and engagement opportunities through our three pillars: 

  • Champion: The OSC is recognized by the City of Ottawa as a leading voice for amateur sport. We’re committed to representing the interests of community-level sport and driving policy and program improvements to advance those interests. 
  • Educate: The OSC is committed to providing a range of relevant and timely educational resources, including information about current best practices and targeted materials for community-level sport participation. 
  • Connect: The OSC is a facilitator of collaboration and partnerships amongst local amateur sport groups. We create and foster opportunities for organizations to work together, share ideas and combine resources. 

Our actions are guided by the belief that sport should always be inclusive, ethical, innovative and respectful.  

The impact of our work over eleven years has been increased safety, inclusivity, and sport  participation opportunities in Ottawa. 


The Ottawa Sport Council is issuing this Request for Proposal for professional consulting  services to develop a technology solution to aid in increasing participation in community sport  of equity deserving youth. The project involves the following: 

  1. Understanding of the barriers to participation in community sport by equity deserving  youth  
  2. Development of a technology solution which progresses diversity and inclusion and addresses biases, promotes fairness, and enables equitable opportunities. 3. Pilot of Solution and incorporation of feedback  
  3. Launch/measure impact  

Project Proposed Timing:  

  • May 13, 2024- Request for Proposal (RFP) Issued  
  • May 31, 2024 – 5 pm – RFP Responses submission deadline date 
  • June 14, 2024- Notification of Successful Applicant 
  • Fall 2024- Project Commencement 
  • Fall 2025- Project Completion  

Proposal Requirements:  

  • Tell us about you– including understanding of EDI challenges, experience/qualifications and background  
  • What are you proposing to do? Project Summary including approach, scope of work, proposed deliverables, and clear guidance as to how impact will be felt by equity  deserving communities who will be served 
  • What is your process? Your workplan-description of activities, and services 
  • What is the budget? itemize all fees  
  • What is your timeline?  
  • Who can we speak with? References for at least 2 prior projects with a similar scope  

Evaluation Criteria:  

  • Expertise and qualifications  
  • Approach and Process  
  • Budget  
  • Timeline 

How to Submit:  

Proposals can be submitted by email to Marcia Morris at [email protected] by 5 pm, May 28, 2024 

T’s and C’s: 

Terms and Conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning applicant.