Author Archives: admin
Cycle Safety in the City
One of the best ways to explore the City of Ottawa is by bicycle. There are over 600 kilometres of bike paths in Canada’s Capital Region, allowing you to incorporate a healthy and active lifestyle every day. A beautiful tour awaits you on the Capital Pathway Network, which was designed to take advantage of the green and natural areas in Canada’s Capital Region.
Ottawa Sport Council profiled in Spring 2015 Leadership SIRCuit
Check out the profile of the Ottawa Sport Council on pages 14-15 in the Spring 2015 Leadership SIRCuit
Putting Webinar to Sport
The goal of hosting and participating in a webinar is to increase awareness and encourage knowledge sharing. This platform can be widely adapted to various businesses and organizations. Following this logic, it only makes sense to see more and more webinars popping up in the sport industry.
PLAY Research Project for Partner Communities
Canadian Sport for Life has approached Kelly Robertson, Manager, City-wide Recreation Programs for the City of Ottawa to explore interest by recreation and sport service providers in participating in a research project to train front-line staff/program leaders in the assessment of physical literacy in recreation programs, non-Ministry supported afterschool programs, and, sport clubs. The ability to develop ‘Master Trainers’ is also a possibility.
Hosting a sporting event? Then you need to listen up!
If you are a sporting team, club or organization, chances are you have participated in many events at various venues. Has the time come where you may be thinking that hosting a sporting event is a new challenge you would like to undertake?
Je suis un entraîneur; et maintenant? – Comprendre vos obligations juridiques
Cette séance portera sur l’obligation légale des entraîneurs. Le conférencier expliquera les dispositions des lois et de la common law par rapport au degré de diligence des entraîneurs à l’aide d’exemples tirés de la jurisprudence.
Le séminaire en ligne est en anglais seulement
Entraîneurs : la nutrition et votre équipe
Vous entraînez un groupe de jeunes athlètes de votre communauté, âgés de 6 ou 7 ans, ou encore une équipe compétitive d’adolescents? Peu importe l’âge et le niveau de votre équipe, la performance et la santé de ses membres dépendent d’une saine alimentation.
Le séminaire en ligne est en anglais seulement
Registration Now Open – Ottawa Sport Council Webinar series – Feb/March 2015
Registration is now open for the inaugural Ottawa Sport Council webinar series - February and March 2015. Hosted by the Ottawa Sport Council, the webinar series has been created based on feedback from local sport organizations. The webinars provide an opportunity for community sporting organizations to increase their knowledge in areas such as athlete nutrition, legal issues, social media tips and the how and why to host successful local sporting events.
Team Ontario announced – 2015 Canada Winter Games
The Ottawa Sport Council congratulates the many members of Team Ontario from the Ottawa area for their selection to Team Ontario for the 2015 Canada Winter Games.