Hosting a sporting event? Then you need to listen up!

If you are a sporting team, club or organization, chances are you have participated in many events at various venues. Has the time come where you may be thinking that hosting a sporting event is a new challenge you would like to undertake? There are many benefits to this and also some things to consider:

Overall cost of the event

Planning any successful event requires a comprehensive plan and budget. It’s important to set out the objectives of the event and allot the appropriate funds to see everything carried through. Will you need an advertising budget? Do you need to hire staff or will this be strictly volunteer run? Are there prizes or trophies, sound equipment and other logistical things that need to be included? Mapping out exactly what will unfold and who needs to be involved is a great start. We would also recommend having a committee to head the organization and ensure proper communication. Delegating certain responsibilities to various people will lighten the workload and bring you together as a team, to host a successful and well-organized event.

Volunteers and Organization

As mentioned in our previous post “Volunteers are the backbone of our community”, we discussed how having adequate and dedicated volunteers help not only organizations run smoothly, but also events. When looking into the logistics of hosting an event, you will want to ensure you reach out to your volunteers for valuable feedback and commitment. Having them on board is a big key to the event’s success.

Safety and Security

Due to the nature and popularity of sport- the events usually draw large crowds. With any well attended event; safety of your patrons, athletes and coaches alike, is very important. You will need to define some safety guidelines and see if volunteers are enough to have on hand or if it is necessary to hire security guards. Having First Responders on site is also always a very good idea for any large festival or gathering. This is also a place to consider your budget- if you need to hire security, can you afford to do so?

Consideration of the local community

Deciding on the venue (whether your own sporting club or renting a larger space) is an important decision. Do you have the support of the locals? Touching base prior to planning and addressing and noting any concerns is a great start to avoiding any potential issues. Residents of nearby sporting events often cite worries over increased traffic or lack of parking. With increased tourism in the area, planning ahead will go a long way.

The above are just some examples to consider when undertaking event hosting. For more information, you can also visit our website and check out our webinar regarding hosting a sporting event.