How do recreational sports connect to a balanced life?

We have long known that children who participate in extra-curricular activities, especially sport, have a higher chance of having an overall successful adult life. Sports build character, lifelong friendships, encourage discipline and focus, the list goes on and on. But did you know that children who actively participate in sports activities also have a higher success rate in post-secondary education and continue on with physical activity into their adult life?

We often hear the word “balance” tossed around by health and lifestyle coaches, psychologists and family doctors. It is ingrained in us from the beginning, to try and attain a “balanced lifestyle”. What often isn’t discussed is HOW to achieve that. If the answer was easy, we would all be successful and need little help in this area. We have compiled a brief list of areas that you can focus on, to help you reach and maintain balance:


Having good sleep habits is a great way to stay on top of your game. Being well-rested and alert begins with enough sleep. It is recommended that a healthy amount of sleep hours for an adult is between 6.5-8 hours nightly. With busy schedules, this isn’t always attainable. But making a conscious effort is a great start.


What we put into our bodies is a reflection of what we see and feel on the outside. When we nourish ourselves with the right foods, our bodies have more energy, are stronger and more able to fight off illness and regenerate properly.

Active Lifestyle

It isn’t always easy, but incorporating 30 minutes of exercise daily is a great start to maintaining an active lifestyle. This can come in many forms, such as a brisk walk at lunch time, weight-lifting in the gym, an early morning run or by joining a community sport league. Whatever your interests are, incorporating activity in your daily routine can only bring benefit and help with overall balance.

The main thing to remember is that although life and work commitments can sometimes seem overwhelming and keep us busy, self-care is important.  Try and follow our tips to stay focused and continue to have a successful and fulfilling life! We’d like to hear from you, on how you achieve balance. Checkout our Facebook page or Tweet us your thoughts!