2022 Ottawa Sport Summit: Creating Diverse and Inclusive Sport Environments – AGENDA

Registration starts at 8:15, session will kick off at 8:45.

On Saturday, November 26, 2022, the Ottawa Sport Council will host its EIGHTH Sport Summit, Creating Diverse and Inclusive Sport Environments. This event has been designed in partnership with community sport leaders as an opportunity to learn, network, and discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion in sport.

Facilitated by Ottawa Sport Council Board Member, and community sport leader, Shamir Kanji in partnership with Andrea Carey, Founder and Chief Inclusion Officer of INclusion INcorporated, the sport summit will use a facilitated workshop format designed to take participants on a journey about what the sporting experience is, and could be, to create more inclusive pathways.

As part of the journey, we will learn from sport participants from equity-deserving groups regarding their experience. Sport Summit participants will be requested to share how existing sport pathways currently work and to consider the presenters throughout the session to layer in areas they may not have previously considered.  

With consideration for the successes of past Sport Summits, we’ve developed an agenda which will provide you with learning and networking opportunities.

Time:               Agenda:

8:15                 Arrival

8:30                 Welcome and Introductions

9:00                 Context setting and explanation of the day

9:15                 Mapping the experience (part 1)

10:30               Break

10:45               Mapping the experience (part 2)

12:30               Wrap up and Summit conclusion